This is a small selection of links and works. An extended portfolio can be sent on request.
selected works

selected links
Exhibition: everything is connected, Formkraft (2024)
Exhibition: afgang, Kunstkritikk (2024)
Exhibition: foraarsudstillingen, Magasinet Kunst (2023)
Exhibition: thumb2, IDOART (2023)
Exhibition: goose egg 2, KUBAPARIS (2023)
Prose: somom vi gik hen til en pumpe, (2023)
Exhibition: graal grat, Kunstavisen (2022)
Exhibition: amphi(-)bian, KUBAPARIS (2023)
Exhibition: amphi(-)bian (OTTE), KUBAPARIS (2022)
Residency: room of vertebrates, SVFK (2021)
Exhibition: rca (2021)