selected publication

mpaacc is a press of artists' books. Distributed independently at artists’ book shops, libraries and exhibition spaces in  e.g.:
Chart Art Fair (DK)
Southwark Park Gallery (UK)
Weserburg museum fur moderne kunst (DE)
Bookartbookshop (UK)
Bladr (DK)
Drawing Room study outset (UK)
National Art Library (DK) Tokyo Geidai (University of Arts) (JPN)
Sint Lucas Antwerpen School of Arts

other publishers or journals I have worked with or contributed to include IMPACT Printmaking Journal, Kulturo,  bastard, The Pluralist, Slagtryk, IDOART, Center for Militant Futurology, and Sculptorvox: A contemporary sculpture journal
Software labour
Still life
How it was believed that the objects depicted would, in the afterlife, become available for use by the deceased
Artist book (27 inkjet-printed pages on 110g recycled paper, 3 etchings on mulberry paper, stapled, machine-plotted and hand-painted folder, edition of 1)

The artist book contains a git log (list of commits) of 2372 lines from the development branch of the ursuppe git repository dating Jan 24 to Jun 18. At a high-level, git can be thought of as a timeline management utility. Commits can be thought of as snapshots or milestones along the timeline of a software development project. Presented as an artist book and a still life in itself, Software labour is a concrete inquiry into artistic labour as recognised work by juxtaposing the timeline of the software development of ursuppe with the machine- and hand-plotted etchings. It seeks to blur out the distinction between crafts and computation, as well as a nod to the underlying spiritual potential of both software- and artistic practices.

somom vi gik hen til en pumpe (Danish)
Digital edition


Somom vi gik hen til en pumpe er en tekst om digitale traumer, augmenteret intelligens og omsorg for det, vi ikke forstår. Teksten er skrevet på en afsidesliggende gård omgivet af pløjemarker i Courtomer, Orne i det nordvestlige Frankrig. Billederne er genereret gennem teksten og fotografier af pløjemarkerne. De angivne datoer, som forløbet udspiller sig over, refererer til teknologiske opfindelser inden for billedets reproducerbarhed og spænder fra kinesiske bogtrykmaskiner til kunstige neurale netværk. (Danish)

formless bodies

The Pluralist #2: Stories of in-between

Amfibiet, teknikeren og fraværet
Essay, Print

KULTURO #53: Hiatus

take it      with you

Inkjet on mulberry and bamboo paper, saddle-stitched, 22 pages, 13×17,5cm
Edition: 3


Everyday situations are interpreted through computer vision and a lacking translation of a poem.

In search of primordial technics I: Onto-technics with a subject through exposition
Canvas bound with embossing, 116 pages, 12x19cm
Edition: 30


Seeking to readdress conceptions of technology, activity, use and understanding, In search of primordial technics I suggests a path towards an alternative reading of artistic activity. Dense and searching, combining philosophical explorations with open experiments, the search is only initiated here, giving some critical and theoretical background to these ideas in formation. It attempts to position the author as an ‘equal machine’ and creates a sort of spreading metaphor of equivalence, and its examinations and experiments conjure a vision of what this potential concept might mean. (Chris Fite-Wassilak)