


anders aarvik is an artist, curator, printmaker and system administrator.

Organiser and curator at Ladder Space (DK), mpaacc (global) and ursuppe (DK). Printmaker at independent printmaking studio (DK), SLAUGHTERHAUS (UK) and Næstved Grafisk Værksted (DK). System administrator and hacker at various causes and open source initiatives. Studied at Chelsea College of Arts (UK), Royal College of Art (UK), and Funen Art Academy (DK). Artist at KKART and member at DG - Danish Printmakers Association.

+45 2538 0331 or
studio at Halmtorvet 11A-F, Copenhagen
primarily based in Denmark and the UK

artist bio *

Anders Aarvik is an artist, curator, printmaker, and system administrator, who studied at Chelsea College of Arts (UK), Royal College of Art (UK), and Funen Art Academy (DK). He is a co-curator of the exhibition space Ladder Space in Copenhagen, as well as a curator of the computational exhibition platform mpaacc, a frequent contributor to journals, printmaking workshops, and community-oriented initiatives, and has exhibited works at, among others, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen (2023), Grafik Galleriet, Næstved (2021, 2022), Cromwell Place, London (2021), HOXTON 253, London (2021), Weserburg Museum für Moderne Kunst, Bremen (2021), Den Frie Centre for Contemporary art, Copenhagen (2020), and Oped Space, Tokyo (2019).

Anders seeks to dissolve governing social structures such as power, industry, and binarity. His works span across printmaking, sculpture, performance, text, and computation, constructing worlds that interrogate cohabitation within a more-than-human practice of care. He insists on DIY, DIWO (do-it-with-others), low-tech, and upcycling principles. The body and the objects related to it serve as primary analogies for change, created through machines like computers and printing presses, in a critical exchange where industrial and institutional processes and their traces are inspected.

an updated version can be sent on request

artist statement

Othered and distorted bodies, lie on the ground, on their backs, and can not rise. Their joints are missing or disassembled. The cluttered networks of images and bodies caught in systemic and computational constraints give rise to alternative worlds and extend into more-than-human practices of care and questions concerning cohabitation.

The process involves a constant dissolution of materials and societal structures such as industry, power, and binarity. I activate, enable, preserve, or bring seemingly disabled entities to life through a diverse range of technologies, DIY methods, and materials. Computation, waste, archival matter, found objects, and representation of non-human or more-than-human entities undergo a rhythmic cycle of shutdowns and accelerations transforming technics into an ecological and poetic field. This happens in conjunction with machines such as expanded and immaterial computers, printmaking presses, geoenvironments, computer vision, synthetic and cloned voices, and curatorial- and spatial practices, as well as other signs of required engagement.

The alternative worlds manifest as new realities of hope that flourish out of the inevitable despair where we need each other.


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